Voigtländer SUPER WIDE-HELIAR 15mm F4.5 Aspherical II SAMPLE IMAGE1
Voigtländer SUPER WIDE-HELIAR 15mm F4.5 Aspherical II
Category Tags : Voigtländer WIDE ANGLE | LEICA WIDE ANGLE 16-21mm , Carl Zeiss WIDE ANGLE , ALL LENS
Voigtländer SUPER WIDE-HELIAR 15mm F4.5 Aspherical II SAMPLE IMAGE2
This color realization represents the characteristics of this lens.
Voigtländer SUPER WIDE-HELIAR 15mm F4.5 Aspherical II SAMPLE IMAGE3
Mt. Cooke, New Zealand. I want to reduce luggage when traveling overseas, so I appreciate this compactness.
Voigtländer SUPER WIDE-HELIAR 15mm F4.5 Aspherical II SAMPLE IMAGE4
The texture is reproduced nicely.
Voigtländer SUPER WIDE-HELIAR 15mm F4.5 Aspherical II SAMPLE IMAGE5
Each hair is resolved. The corner depiction is degraded a little wide open, but this is solved once you stop down 1 to 2 f-stops.
Voigtländer SUPER WIDE-HELIAR 15mm F4.5 Aspherical II SAMPLE IMAGE6
Amazing sharpness and contrast. Fun to use.
This lens takes some unworldly pictures. Shadow details tend to be lost, but the contrast and the sharpness are amazingly high. If you purposefully use this lens, it will make a great difference. This unique lens gives so much more excitements than lenses with neutral characteristics. As shown in the sample shots, it will be a great lens for landscapes and urban photography. And, don't forget the price. Corners are a little loose wide open, but the center is extremely sharp and it becomes sharp from edge to edge with 1 or 2 more f-stops. Plus, distortion is minimal. You can get all these performance in this reasonable price! It's a little bigger than the first version because of rangefinder coupling, but it's still much smaller than the 15mm SLR lenses and it's a great lens for traveling.
Voigtländer SUPER WIDE-HELIAR 15mm F4.5 Aspherical II SAMPLE IMAGE7
I thought this lens is too hard for the 400TX, but it unexpectedly matches very well.

LEICA M9 , Voigtländer SUPER WIDE-HELIAR 15mm F4.5 Aspherical II , Photo by K

I think this lens is most suitable for inorganic scenes like this.

Voigtländer SUPER WIDE-HELIAR 15mm F4.5 Aspherical II SAMPLE IMAGE8
Voigtländer SUPER WIDE-HELIAR 15mm F4.5 Aspherical II
Category Tags : Voigtländer WIDE ANGLE | LEICA WIDE ANGLE 16-21mm , Carl Zeiss WIDE ANGLE , ALL LENS
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絞りもピントも固定して, 外付けファインダーを覗いてパンフォーカスでスナップ。レンジファインダーの醍醐味です。よく見えますよ。


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いっそ, レンズに合わせてボディを用意してしまうのは如何でしょう。21mmのフレームが出るメカニカルカメラ。広角好きにぴったりの, スナップシューターです。

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21mmがしっくりくる。そんな貴方には, とんでもないレンズがあります。開放f1.4。広角でもボケるんです。


価格 : Loading..(税込) Loading..Loading..

もっと広く写るのに1段明るい, こんなレンズはどうでしょう。ちょっと大きなレンズですが, 写りは抜群。

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やっぱりコンパクトなレンズがいい。スナップに最適な35mmパンケーキレンズなら, レンズが邪魔になることはありません。

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