This color realization represents the characteristics of this lens.
Mt. Cooke, New Zealand. I want to reduce luggage when traveling overseas, so I appreciate this compactness.
The texture is reproduced nicely.
Each hair is resolved. The corner depiction is degraded a little wide open, but this is solved once you stop down 1 to 2 f-stops.
This lens takes some unworldly pictures. Shadow details tend to be lost, but the contrast and the sharpness are amazingly high. If you purposefully use this lens, it will make a great difference. This unique lens gives so much more excitements than lenses with neutral characteristics. As shown in the sample shots, it will be a great lens for landscapes and urban photography. And, don't forget the price. Corners are a little loose wide open, but the center is extremely sharp and it becomes sharp from edge to edge with 1 or 2 more f-stops. Plus, distortion is minimal. You can get all these performance in this reasonable price! It's a little bigger than the first version because of rangefinder coupling, but it's still much smaller than the 15mm SLR lenses and it's a great lens for traveling.
I thought this lens is too hard for the 400TX, but it unexpectedly matches very well.
LEICA M9 , Voigtländer SUPER WIDE-HELIAR 15mm F4.5 Aspherical II , Photo by K
I think this lens is most suitable for inorganic scenes like this.